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3D Theta* Pathfinding

Theta* is a modified version of the A* pathfinding algorithm that generates shorter routes compared to A*.
I created this Theta* Pathfinder because it generates more direct paths than A* that result in smoother flight paths for the AI.


A* Path


Theta* Path

One of the challenges I encountered was finding the right balance between ensuring that the agent follows a collision-free path and incorporating sufficient interpolation and smoothing techniques to achieve a visually realistic flight.

I imlpemented 3 features to overcome this:

  • A completely adjustable Agent script for its flight characteristics (speed, turn rate, interpolation sensitivity)

  • In the pathing manager, a collision avoidance buffer that can be adjusted to each maps requirements.

  • Secondary Collision avoidance through raycasts on the Agent. These Create a new path, away from the direction that a collision was detected near the agent.



3D pathfinder for Agents to fly around 3D space.


Statemachine AI that can follow the path and request new paths.


Multi-Agent Control.


Evasive Behaviours around moving targets.


Optional Preset Patrol Routes

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