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  • Writer's pictureRoss Hewitt

Udemy Course Progress #3

Its been a busy few weeks, but I've gotten some good progress done through my course! Learnt a lot of implementation in C++ of things I could do in blueprints, and I think I prefer implementing it in code most of the time now. I think I'm going to start contributing to my own game project soon outside of this course, since some unstructured experimentation is great fun and I learn a lot from doing it. I did this with Godot 4 and it was a lot of fun, so I'm excited to do it with unreal and possibly have a fully playable demo out of it!

Here's a fun gif of the progress so far:

I've still got some areas that are difficult for me to implement in terms of syntax and how Unreal handles them such as Delegates and how and where References / pointers are most appropriate but once I get working on my own projects more, I'm sure these things will become second nature.

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