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  • Writer's pictureRoss Hewitt

Udemy Course Progress #4 + Mech Builder Project

It's been a busy week at work and out of it, but I've only got a few lessons left of Section 5 of my Udemy course! It's now a playable small game with a start and end condition, some starting UI and all that's missing is some VFX and polish! Its been a great section, and I've learnt a lot, so much so that I've started working on a small side project for replicating a game mechanic from an old game I loved! I've started to re-create the "Garage Mode" from Chromehounds (2006), a FromSoftware mech game which had a cool customizable mech builder! I chose this as its something I've always wanted to get around to re-creating, but always had another project that took priority. I think Unreal is the perfect place for me to experiment in recreating this mechanic though, as its a simple idea that involves lots of interconnecting parts of a system, and it could benefit a lot from really nice lighting which Unreal gives the perfect tools for.

I worked through a lot of my weekend getting most of the basics setup for it, the "parts" and "Hardpoints" have been pretty much done in terms of properties and blueprints, so I plan on adding in some simple editor functionality next. You can check out the repo on my github: Here's a UML that's very much a work in progress of what is being done:

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